domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

The bestsellers

April 27, 2011

The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery [1 | # 33] ACT
 Politically Incorrect Guide to the History of Brazil
Leandro Narloch [2 | # 65] Leya BRAZIL
Padre Marcelo Rossi [1 | 34] GLOBO
Dear John
Nicholas Sparks [4 | 50] NEW CONCEPT
Laurentino Gomes [1 | 31] NEW FRONTIER
 Let the men to their feet
Marie Forleo [2 | 5] UNIVERSE OF BOOKS
The Notebook
Nicholas Sparks [3 | 18] NEW CONCEPT
Laurentino Gomes [3 | 149 #] PLANET
 Why Men Loves
Women Powerful?
Sherry Argov [3 | # 86] SEXTANTE
The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks [5 | # 43] NEW CONCEPT
 Cleopatra - A Biography
Stacy Schiff [0 | 1] ZAHAR
 The Monk and the Executive
James Hunter [4 | # 318] SEXTANTE
 The Shack
William Young [2 | 133] SEXTANTE
 Eat, Pray, Love
Elizabeth Gilbert [5 | # 155] STRICT
 20 Steps to Inner Peace
Father Reginaldo Manzotti [8 | # 6] ACT
 The book " The Little Prince " is a reading complex with various interpretations, a book that gives us life lessons and values​​. A book I read and recommend it because it is a literary classic.
 By Stéfany

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