sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Flash Mobs

Hi guys, our theme this week is "Flash Mob", do you know what is it?

A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, artistic expression or, in recently increasing cases, violence. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.

One of the first flash mobs was created in
Manhattan in May 2003, by Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harper's Magazine. The first attempt was unsuccessful after the targeted retail store was tipped off about the plan for people to gather. Wasik avoided such problems during the second flash mob, which occurred on June 3, 2003, at Macy's
department store, by sending participants to preliminary staging areas – in four prearranged Manhattan bars – where they received further instructions about the ultimate event and location just before the event began.
More than 130 people converged upon the ninth floor rug department of the store, gathering around an expensive rug. Anyone approached by a sales assistant was advised to say that the gatherers lived together in a warehouse on the outskirts of New York, that they were shopping for a "love rug", and that they made all their purchase decisions as a group. Subsequently, 200 people flooded the lobby and mezzanine of the Hyatt hotel in synchronized applause for about 15 seconds, and a shoe boutique in SoHo
was invaded by participants pretending to be tourists on a bus trip.

The Worldwide Pillow Fight Day (or International Pillow Fight Day) is one of the most popular flash mobs where people come together to make a big pillow fight. Over 25 cities around the globe participated in the first "international flash mob", which was the world's largest flash mob to date. According to The Wall Street Journal, more than 5,000 participated in New York City, overtaking London's 2006 Silent Disco gathering as the largest recorded flash mob. Word spread via social networking sites, including Facebook,
, private blogs, public forums, personal websites, as well as by word of mouth, text messaging, and email.

I hope you enjoyed and learned a little more about these
that are flash mobs.
Here are some links to videos super cool. Watch.  :D
Black Eyed Peas – I got a feeling                                                 
Shakira – Waka waka                                                                  
Michael Jackson – They don’t care about us                              
Beyonce – Single ladies                                                              


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